The Treasure Room
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21)
We are so excited to be opening up Sunday evenings at the Coach House with a time of Quiet, Meditative Prayer.
This is an opportunity to silently set our hearts gaze on Jesus, “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:3).
The vision here has always been based on furnishing a space for Jesus to lay His head. A place where we express our loving attention for love’s own sake towards God and his Word. In order to undertake this, we are inviting you to join us in our Sunday evening Prayer meeting, as we share times of personal, quiet-reflection/contemplation in silence and stillness; seeking God with all their hearts and minds and spirits. These meetings will begin as from the 19th of June, starting promptly at 6.30pm and finishing at 8pm. We look forward to sharing this special time with God in our individual Treasure rooms in a unified stance of adoration.
Have a click to find out more from Carole.