Transitioning into the new

The legal transition of the Servant with Jesus ministry into the new work of HOPES took time, prayer, extensive meetings and juggling complex paperwork. We were pleased to form a new Board of Trustees with Marigold Rivett-Carnac who had been a long-term Trustee of the Servants with Jesus, along with as Dick (Richard) Tyler who was then also Company Secretary, and Enone Smit, a long-term member of Hastings 24-7 Prayer and seasoned intercessor. We have also been supported by Peter Ewen who has been Treasurer for the Servants with Jesus for 25 years and who is now handing the Treasurer baton onto Mike Scarlett, who is part of the Hastings 24-7 Prayer team.

Many of the long-term members of the Servants with Jesus chose to stay on board, whilst some felt it was time for them to move on. The first steps to bringing the vision HOPES into being were made.